Indoor Air Quality Lab
@ University of Cincinnati

Wu, T., Tasoglou, A., Wagner, D.N., Jiang, J., Huber, H.J., Stevens, P.S., Jung, N. and Boor, B.E., (2024). Modern buildings act as a dynamic source and sink for urban air pollutants. Cell Reports Sustainability, 1(5).
Lee, L. T., Wu, T., Boor, B. E., & Blatchley III, E. R. (2023). Dynamic behavior of gas-phase NCl3 and CO2 in indoor pool facilities. Building and Environment, 233, 110088.
Wu, T., Tasoglou, A., Huber, H., Stevens, P.S., Boor, B.E. (2021). Influence of Ventilation Mode and Occupancy on Time-Resolved Source Rates of Skin Oil Ozonolysis Products in a LEED-Certified Office Building. Environmental Science and Technology, 55(24): 16477-16488.
Wu, T., Földes, T., Lee, L.T., Wagner, D.N., Jiang, J., Tasoglou, A., Boor, B.E., and Blatchley III, E.R. (2021). Real-Time Measurements of Gas-Phase Trichloramine (NCl3) in an Indoor Aquatic Center. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(12): 8097-8107.
Wu, T. and Boor, B.E. (2021). Urban Aerosol Size Distributions: A Global Perspective. Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics, 21: 8883-8914.
Wu, T., Fu, M., Valkonen, M., Täubel, M., Xu, Y., and Boor, B.E. (2021). Particle Resuspension Dynamics in the Infant Near-Floor Microenvironment. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(3):1864-1875.
Patra, S.S., Wu, T., Wagner, D.N., Jiang, J., and Boor, B.E. (2021). Real-Time Measurements of Fluorescent Aerosol Particles in a Living Laboratory Office Under Variable Human Occupancy and Ventilation Conditions. Building & Environment, 205:108249.
Patra, S.S., Ramsisaria, R., Du, R., Wu, T., and Boor, B.E. (2021). A Machine Learning Field Calibration Method for Improving the Performance of Low-Cost Particle Sensors. Building & Environment, 190:107457.
Wu, T. and Boor, B.E. (2020). Characterization of a Thermal Aerosol Generator for HVAC Filtration Experiments (RP-1734). Science & Technology for the Built Environment, 26(6):816-834.
Haines, S.R., Adams, R.I., Boor, B.E., Bruton, T., Downey, J., Ferro, A.R., Gall, E., Green, B.J., Hegarty, B., Horner, E., Jacobs, D., Lemieux, P., Misztal, P.K., Morrison, G., Perzanowski, M., Reponen, T., Rush, R., Virgo, T., Alkhayri, C., Bope, A., Cochran, S., Cox, J., Donohue, A., May, A.A., Nastasi, N., Nishioka, M., Renninger, N., Tian, Y., Uebel-Niemeier, C., Wilkinson, D., Wu, T., Zambrana, J., Dannemiller, K.C. (2020) Ten Questions Concerning the Implications of Carpet on Indoor Chemistry and Microbiology. Building and Environment, 170:106589.
Wu, T., Täubel, M., Holopainen, R., Viitanen, A.K., Vainiotalo, S., Tuomi, T., Keskinen, J., Hyvärinen, A., Hämeri, K., Saari, S.E., and Boor, B.E. (2018). Infant and Adult Inhalation Exposure to Resuspended Biological Particulate Matter. Environmental Science & Technology, 52(1):237-247 (Cover Article).